Happy Stoner holiday, ya'll. I hope those of you that "partake" are having fun and making the most of this day!

I was never much of a "toker" if you will... I always wished I could smoke and laugh all day at dumb shit with my friends but I could never really enjoy the high. I'd always get super paranoid and nervous. Needless to say, those aren't my favorite mental states, so I tend to pass rather than puff.
Get it? puff, puff, pass? Ok, I know it was cheesy. STOP JUDGING ME.

Anyway, I also never liked being so hungry I could eat like a host to a tapeworm. That shit makes you bloated like a mug the next day and even though I'm chubby, extra bloat does not go unnoticed or unappreciated to say the least. I'm fat enough, give me a damn break. Not to mention all the "deep thoughts" that lead me to really getting inside my own head. I honestly do not need to get that intimately reacquainted with the deep recesses of my sick and twisted mind. It's a scary place in there, ya'll... no thanks.

So what the hell was I trying to say? Oh yeah, Merry Weedmas or whatever. Smoke a fat one for me, since I can't enjoy one myself without spiralling retardedly into a dark session of self psychoanalysis while eating an entire chocolate chip bunt cake with a side of gummy worms and cheetos.

Now painkillers, that's a destructive habit I can get behind! Where's THAT holiday?


  1. I, Kaobear, hereby declare that April 21st of each year from now until the ending of the world is National Painkiller Use It Like The Bitches Are Going Out Of Style Day.

  2. "spiralling retardedly into a dark session of self psychoanalysis while eating an entire chocolate chip bunt cake with a side of gummy worms and cheetos"

    That is some downright brilliant phrasing : )
